Monday, July 21, 2008

Gone with the wind

Chemistry test was a disaster.Failed it like a piece of s***.Further maths wasnt tat good either.My whole further maths paper was full of careless mistakes all over.Life isnt tat great for me nowadays.Tired by studying n getting bored of my life.Classes are never more fun as it used to be.Replacement classes are being held almost every week due to insufficient time to finish up the syllabus.Might be having a 4hour non-stop class this saturday starting at 8am.I cant imagine waking up a 6am on a saturday morning just to drive to college for classes.The worst part is,3 hours of my class is PURE physics.The remaining 1 hour is for further maths applied class.Dun think of going to the extra classes held,but i flipped a count during physics practical today and even god wants me to attend the class.I feel so left out in my class recently.I think is cos im so damn freaking useless and stupid tat all my frens are starting to stay away from me.Well u cant blame my frens for doing tat cos all of them are soooooooooooo darn smart unlike me.My brain isnt functioning as it is supposed to be.Maybe im being too sensitive.But i just feel left out.Moods isnt tat good either.Parents at home arent treating me any better than they used to be.Still gets loads n loads of stress n pressure from them asking me go study hard and not lose my scholarship.This isnt doing any good to me cos im the kind of person tat cant study under pressure.

Mid course is just right around the corner.Time to study for me is like crazy.The reason i say this because i dun actually really study much at home.Im not like any other ppl who can sit in the room and study for hours.The most tat i can do is just sit in my room to study for about 1 and a half hours.Tat amount of time isnt sufficient for me.Wat can i do?This is me.I cant change the way i am.I've tried pushing myself to study but the things tat i study just wont enter my mind.

Susuman <3