Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stop Online Piracy Act

I am not sure about the news of SOPA is in Malaysia. Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA is a United States bill that was proposed by U.S. Representative Lama S.Smith to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods.

Personally, I feel that such bill proposed is just a waste of money and time. The internet is something that is free; developed by people for the people to access information from one corner of the world to another. Passing such act would limit the world of information. The generation that will soon take over or rule the world is the information generation and the simple word such as globalization simply is enough to prove that the bill alone is a waste of time.

Imagine a world with limited information. We would not be able to know the news around the world anymore with a simple click of the mouse. It is practically impossible. Also, people of a country will be confined within their country only, they would not be able to "see" what is beyond the borders of their country. To do so they much leave the comfort of their home and have to spend a whole lot of money just to see beyond. What about those of lower income? They wouldn't be able to travel the world like most people, as such they wont able to see the world's beauty. With the internet, they could see the beauty of the world through the computer.

As such, passing such bill will definitely not benefit the world's population. However this is just my personal opinion. Who am I to stop the United States government if they were to pursue the bill.