Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sad n sorrow

Im not in a mood since monday.The main reason for this is i failed my f***ing physics test.I failed with a very very very bad score(14/50) tat makes it 28 out of 100.Another reason for me being in a bad mood is tat my physics lecturer has decided to give us another test next monday.With all this studying i dun think i can even do any better compared to the first test.Well first of all,i'll be having my Chemistry test this fri and it includes my WHOLE AS syllabus and trust me,its a lot to study for.So u guys might be wondering its this friday ma,physics test next week no worries.But it gets worst.Guess wat,im having my Maths and Futher Maths (total of 4 papers) and it needs a lot of studing too cos the exam is also based on the whole AS syllabus.So try imagine tat.Im really stressed up.Giving up hope n giving up on studies.

Another thing happened today.Since i gave up hope on studying,i played my frens PSP in class today during physics tutorial class.Guess wat happened,i dunno whether im unlucky or wat,my lecturer passes me without me even noticing it.Well u guessed it,get a hell of scolding.Im seriously giving up on on life n hope on everything.Its really difficult studying A levels.Really regretted tat i studied it.I should have been like everyone else and take up a diploma course instead of wasting my freaking time here trying my luck.
