Monday, June 30, 2008


Well,my cousin bro left this morning taking the early bus at 8.30.I din manage to take a picture of him for u guys though.He was out the whole day ytd n during the nite he went out with my bro to watch Euro 2008 finals.I got the early result at 5 in the morning when they both woke me up to just say "SPAIN WON...1-0~!" while i was still blur in my dream.Gonna miss my cousin bro.I dunno whether it will take another 3 or 4 years again to see his face.Well, miss u cousin bro~

Today my whole class was shocked.When we went for physics class,suddenly our physics lecturer, Mr.Soh gave us the test.All of the 4 classes students were like O_O...OMG....y today?? Its the first day of the week n he have to do this by giving us the test on monday morning.Well,i have a 90% chance of flunking my test cos i wasnt really prepared for it.I realize another thing,my class rep is getting uglier day after day.Im not being evil or sarcastic though,she has been staying up late every single day NOT to study but to watch animes n mangas.She's looking more like a panda in the eyes now.Well,hope she'll turn back into a lookable girl in my class soon or else i'll have to wait till Uni to see pretty girls haha..

I got a good news last week from my new Maths Appiled lecturer, Mr.Ngeoh.He told our class tat this week thurs,our class will end at 11am instead of 1pm cos all the lecturers of A-levels have a meeting with the principle.Well i dunno whether its a good news or not but i may be going to KLCC with my college mates to catch a movie n then take a train all the way back to college to take my car home(well dun laugh at me cos im not driving there cos im afraid tat i'll get stuck in the traffic jam).Well,hopefully this plans sticks as we said it would.Probably going to mv this fri with keith n the gang to catch a movie too.
Tats all for now...chous~

Susuman <3

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ytd kf keith n wendy manage to saw my class rep cos i told tat in my class there were only 2 girls tat are only considered lookable.Keith n wendy din manage to get a good look at her but kf..he ran all the way to the stairs just to look at her face.Keith n wendy was laughing like crazy cos of him.

Guess wat...the other day before ytd..i told some of my frens i haven seen my cousin bro in a long long time...i guess around 3 to 4 years...well...he came down alone from singapore ytd...but i was only able to see him during the nite.His bus arrived at 1.30pm, and during tat time i'm still at college having my lunch as my class ended at 1pm.So,my bro decided to fetch him at TS.Both of them watched movie together and all i get to do is have the whole day with the computer with me.Well it was kinda bored sitting at home alone the whole day playing games cos my eye aches.

Today my college will be having parent-lecture day,tat's something like wat we all went through during secondary sch life.But,im not going cos my mum asked me "Do u wan me to go there?" and i replied "NO!!" so i dun have sit in front of all my lecturers with my parents talking bout my life at college with my attitude =D.
I wont have a chance to spend some time with my cousin today cos he's going out to Bangsar and maybe to 1U later with is frens.So i guess i only have some time with him during the nite =P(sounds gay BUT we aren't).If i have a chance i'll try and take a pic of my cousin bro.Well,since we aren't going out with him,my parents said they'll take my car for tinting.Well,i think its kinda late for tinting cos my skin is getting darker n darker due to everyday driving under the hot sun.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ok it is...everyone's been rushing me to update my blog...its to 4 months since my last post??haha...well..went to mv last fri with keith meng kf mk n wendy...we watch Get me..u dun wanna miss this movie...its damn hilarious....besides tat...having my test 4 next week...stressed out this days...wanna watch kungfu panda...haven watch it yet...cos was never free to go out sat with cy n guys...parent-lecturer day will be this sat...dam scared of it..duno wat the lecs gonna say to my parents...hopefully my parents wont be going isnt so great recently...petrol price increase...cos my life more miserable...cos im driving to college everyday...=.="...not much happen though...getting lazier n lazier...i even slept in class today =O...during physics n chemistry was bored anyway=P...well...i'll update pics soon... =D

Susuman <3