Friday, September 11, 2009


Today was the first lab session that I attended at UCSI. The first impression when I first looked at my lab lecturer was "OMG..he look so 'nah pet' gay lou like tat".The was he talked sounded weird.His name is Mr.Vee.Well he wasnt that bad afterall.His english is superb.I kinda find him interesting from the way how he taught us.The part I dislike most is he will minus our mark is we spell his name incorrectly or we forgot his name.

The lab session was kinda messy for me.As this is the first time ever I did any experiment in groups @@.I am just too used to solo experiments back in the days when I was taking A-levels.Group experiment made me go @@.Did my first mistake today during experiment =/.Time wasnt sufficient as I practically screwed it up =(.

Lots of feelings are in me since I started studying.I keep wondering whether I will be successful. Its just confusing for me at the moment. Anyway all the best to all =).

Susuman <3