Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today is the worst day of my life. I'm getting more emo as time goes by.

This is because of my family. Though I'm on holiday, im still getting stress from them. No, ice-cream wont help in my case. No one understands what im going through.

Its hard staying in this family. Im always misunderstood. Even when im trying to explain things that my family member doesnt understand, i would get discriminated by them. Judged by them as though i have insufficient experience.

Most of the time,my elder brother and my father would do this to me. But today, all 3 of them including my mum did this to me. How am i gonna stand up with this? I cant. My mum even told me to be patient to my brother and father and that to give way to them.

The problem is, i've been doing this since i was young. All the scolding,anger and discrimination from them is all stored up in me. I'm wondering how long can i hold up to this. 3 of my family member have me as a machine or device to let off their temper when they are not in a good mood.But what about me? Im the youngest and i have no place to let go of my anger and no place to complain to except to let it all out in the blog. All the anger for almost 10years is stored up in me.

Its hard.Life is hard especially in this family.All i have left are my friends but only a handful of them understand how i feel.Most of them make fun of me never understanding how hard is it for me to face my family and to face them as my frens.

Life is tough and short.But in my family, its even harder than it seems.
