Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Been busy recently due to quizzes, assignments and lab reports. Well frankly speaking my group members arent really helpful except for 1 of them. They dun even bother doing assignments and lab reports which i find very frustrating. I'm the kind of guy who doesnt like complaining bout others cos im just too kind-hearted or u may say im just silly enough not to complain to my lecturer.

My quiz results arent that bad but i did 2 silly mistakes for my chem quiz which cost me not getting the total 10% mark. Instead i just got 9% out of 10%. Biology quiz result was good but mid-terms are coming next week. Nerd mode on full blast!

Bought a new phone on 4th october. Still learning how to use it =). Cybershot phone and loving it. Gonna post some nice pics soon =D.

Susuman <3