Thursday, September 3, 2009

Study life

Started my studies yesterday. But it was suppose to be on Tuesday,those stupid administrators uploaded the wrong timetable at the website causing more than 98% of the students did not turn up for the first class on Tuesday. Luckily the lecturer didn't start the studies cause there were just too little students.Ytd lesson was Uni Chem 1 Lecture.Not too tough for me though cause I like chemistry =). Meet a new friend from Kampar,kinda helpful.

Today lesson was Biology 1 Lecture.Having some tough time coping with it as I have not been taking Bio for 2 yrs =(.The lecturer teaching was just touch and go as she thought everyone was good at it.I need help from a lot of ppl.Notes,notes and more notes from everywhere.Luckily my friend is good in biology.Meet a few more new buddies today but not quite close with them.Assignments already been handed out.

Whoever who's reading my blog with good study materials for biology please let me know.I really appreciate your help as this sem supposedly be a 14week studies all cramped up for 7 weeks of studies.Its taking a toll on me to study a subject which I have no contact whatsoever with it for 2yrs.

Susuman <3