Monday, July 20, 2009


Well its not the usualy marathon you think it is.Went for movie marathon today.First stop,2nd round of transformers 2 with Swai as she haven watched it yet.Fecthed her at 10.30am and headed straight to MidValley.Traffic was quite jam.Bought our tickets and headed to Jusco where she bought her nasi lemak breakfast.

After that went and tried to get Harry Potter tickets but unfortunately the show ends too late so have to divert to Ice Age 3.Where the 2nd show we were joined by Keng Fai,Wendy,Kah Yern Russian Girl and Mark.

Transformers 2

Ice Age 3

Well 2nd round of transformers wasnt bad as i enjoyed it even more.Maybe planning for 3rd round? lolz.Ice Age 3 was funny but i wouldnt suggest for 2nd round as it wouldnt be as funny as the first time u watch it.After all the movie fecthed Kan Yern back home,luckily no traffic jam.
Reached home with a terrible headache and yet im still here blogging bout it.

Susuman <3