Thursday, July 30, 2009


What does love actually means? It is defined as a strong positive emotion of regard and affection,a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction,have a great affection or liking.But what does it really mean? Well I don't know for sure, but how do you or someone know whether they are in love or it is just a crush?

How does it feel to be in love? How do you know whether that you are in love? Is it the feeling that you get when u can't see that particular person and wishes to see him or her in your dreams? Or is the very happy feeling that you get once you saw him or her? Does falling in love with someone means that they must be together?

Anyone who truly understand the meaning of love please let me know.

Susuman <3

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Secondhand Serenade

Currently in love with Secondhand Serenade songs.Hope you enjoy it.


Its not over


Take me with you

I hate this song

Susuman <3

Monday, July 20, 2009


Well its not the usualy marathon you think it is.Went for movie marathon today.First stop,2nd round of transformers 2 with Swai as she haven watched it yet.Fecthed her at 10.30am and headed straight to MidValley.Traffic was quite jam.Bought our tickets and headed to Jusco where she bought her nasi lemak breakfast.

After that went and tried to get Harry Potter tickets but unfortunately the show ends too late so have to divert to Ice Age 3.Where the 2nd show we were joined by Keng Fai,Wendy,Kah Yern Russian Girl and Mark.

Transformers 2

Ice Age 3

Well 2nd round of transformers wasnt bad as i enjoyed it even more.Maybe planning for 3rd round? lolz.Ice Age 3 was funny but i wouldnt suggest for 2nd round as it wouldnt be as funny as the first time u watch it.After all the movie fecthed Kan Yern back home,luckily no traffic jam.
Reached home with a terrible headache and yet im still here blogging bout it.

Susuman <3

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Addicted to instrumental songs

Currently got hooked onto piano instrumental songs.I really wish i could turn back time and take up piano lessons so.Regrets

Susuman <3


I wished i took up Piano lessons instead of Organ lessons when I was young so I could play these songs

Susuman <3


Remixed songs

Susuman <3

Friday, July 17, 2009


Ok's my new haircut...dun laugh xD

long hair

short hair

Susuman <3


Been lazy these days.Spending all my time at home doing nothing.Started playing an online game ask requested by Mengz and Keith.

Had my haircut yesterday and now my hair is damn short(worst compared during high sch i think).Pics of my new hair will be uploaded tml =).

I finally watched Transformers 2 today.Guess who did i watch it with?I dun think u guys can guess it.I watched it with my parents O_O.Shocking rite?Well there is always a first time for everything dont u say?Overall the movie was fantastic(cos got Megan Fox ma ^^).Well tat's all for now.Pics of my new look will be posted tml ^^v.

Susuman <3

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Days Out

Ytd was a very tiring day as I am suppose to be going to Nottingham with Kenneth K.Woke up at 8am and had my breakfast with my parents.At around 9.15 am i called Kenneth and guess wat, he's still slping soundly.Luckily he brought his phone up to his room or else we wont be going anywhere.At 10am my dad fetch both me and Kenneth to MidValley KTM station.Bought our tickets and waited for the KTM.Chatted a lot with him and soon the KTM arrived.He kept asking me to try this online game called Sudden Attack while we were on the train.

Finally after travelling about 30mins we arrive at Kajang Station.Went across the street to wait for a Nottingham Uni bus and aroudn 5mins we saw 1.Wanted to hop on it but the bus driver said "Lunch break.Come bak at 1.30pm" . Both of us was like "WTH?" and we look at our time and its just 11.30am.Waited at the KTM station for 2hours for the next bus to arrive as taking a taxi would be very expensive(RM25).At exactly 1.30pm the bus arrived and both of us took the bus to Nottingham.Reach there around 2pm and had our lunch with Kenneth's fren Carmen and her sis, Cassie(hope i din spell wrongly =D).After lunch Kenneth took me to the admin to grab an application form and both of us asked about PTPTN loan available at Nottingham.

Next headed for Kenneth's results.Im not gonna reveal his results,those interested can ask him urself ^^.After that my tour guide Kenneth took me round the uni.It was NICE!.Way better than what I've expected and its like a thousand times better than TARC *no offense to TAR student,I'm ex-TARCian also*.Had waffles together around 4.05pm and waited for the bus at 4.30pm to return home.

I might have a chance doing stuff here =D

A look inside

So nice

The hostel is way better compared to TARC

A tree we both found tat looks nice.It looks a lot nicer if u were there

Arrived at Kajang station around 5pm and took the next KTM back to MidValley.Followed Kenneth to purchase Transformers 2 movie tickets that he'll be watching with his family *damn i haven watch T.T*.After purchasing the tickets headed out and waited for Rapid KL to take to the Old Klang Road wet market which my dad will be picking us up.The retarded bus driver is and always will be an idiotic ass hole bitch (sry for the vulgar language).Before arriving near the wet market's bus stop,Kenneth rang the bus which the bus was suppose to stop and let us drop off.Ended up tat retarded ***** open the door on the 2nd lane on the road and expect us to get off.Not wanting to risk our lifes Kenneth suggested tat we stay in the bus.Soon the retarded bus driver stopped at the bus stop as there are passengers who wanted to get on board it.But tat stupid retarded driver didn't wanna open the door for us to go off.Wat an imbescile.Then Kenneth kept pressing the bell and kept scolding in vulgar words at the bus driver.Even and indian auntie helped us spam on the bell.We passed around 2 bus stops and finally tat retarded bus driver stopped and lets us drop.Yet our government asked us to take public transport and we have such irresponsible and retarded bus drivers.Anyone out there tat feels safe to take public transport? This certainly will be my last cos i HATE public transportation in Malaysia.IT SUCKS TO THE MAX

Susuman <3

Monday, July 6, 2009


Found this nice song on Utube.Hope you guys love it too.

Enjoy the song ^^

Susuman <3


Im kinda lazy to update bout Kok Yew's farewell party cos everyone updated bout it so i'll just skip it =D.

On 4th of July , we finally had our 5A11 year of 2007 class reunion. We were told to arrive at 6pm and so I did with Swai,Wendy and Kenneth K. There wasnt anyone else there but us and as so we just stayed in my car and listen to music.Soon Clement and Sweetie with her passengers arrive.

Had lots of fun there and missed everyone especially Kah Yern the russia girl who just came back recently :).Played snap with some of them and had a great laughing time. I havent had such a good laugh in ages.

Cant wait for the next reunion in the next 2years. No pics this time cos i din bring along my camera during the event.

Susuman <3