Friday, February 29, 2008


Got my physics results today n it was terrible...i only got 43 marks for it....but still at least im not the worst of all in the class.

Recently i discovered tat i fell in love with physics.I dunno y i fell in love with physics but to me,physics is becoming something interesting for me.I also found out tat i prefer listening to oldies songs.i dun even know y but i just love it.kinda weird though cos for a teenager of my age,i prefer those old timers songs more than the hits music on the market.n cos of my terrible results in my physics examination,my physics lecturer said tat those who got lower than 70marks in the test should drop further maths as we cant even answer simple questions tat he set for us.My heart shattered into a million pieces on hearing this.Well i hope i can improve my results on the next test.

Susuman <3