Sunday, August 30, 2009


Thx to a friend of mine who recommend me to listen to this songs.Hope you guys enjoy it too.Turn up your volume though cos its kinda soft.

Susuman <3

First day of Uni Life

Had my orientation on the 27th of Aug and 28th of Aug.The first day was very fun as we had group games,the uni live band performance and a beatboxer performance.I like the beatboxer.Its sooooo cool.Kinda disappointed on the classroom though.

The 2nd day was totally boring.We had to sit on the floor for like almost the whole day and my back was aching like hell! We were taken on a campus tour and luckily I joined Mark's group. Unfortunately, engineering students will be on a newer block which was located on the opposite side of the road.One of our tour guide happened to be a senior engineering student and Mark got his bad news. The senior said "Our block got 5 girls ONLY.3 with bf and the remaining u can forget about it".But I told Mark that my course consist of only 4 to 5 guys and the remaining are girls but yet not pretty and he replied by saying "Well at least you got things to see".

Went to MV ytd night in search for a new bag,bottle and a watch.Didnt manage to get a bag and bottle though but I manage to buy a new watch =).Its so nice!.Made from aluminium for the light weight and duribility.Here is where I bought my watch from.Got a free give when I bought my watch =D

My all time fav watch shop

My watch name : "Black & Red"

So nice =)

The free give when you purchase RM200 and above

Will continue hunting for my bag once I know whether I have loads of notes or not =)

Susuman <3

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Ayumi Hamasaki's latest single.Damn nice. Enjoy!

Susuman <3

Saturday, August 22, 2009


As the title says, I had steamboat for dinner today at Cheras. It was the best I ever had. Really very delicious =D, first time eating there. Prices are very reasonable too. Din took much pics as the food was too delicious xD. My fav was the spicy and sour crab! very nice! Add Image

Crab meat from the claw =D

Crab shell*courtesy from my bro*



Well Uni life kicks on next week on 27th and 28th for orientation. Officially starting my nerd mode on full gear on the 2nd of Sept 09'. Undergoing the course in Degree in Food Science and Nutrition and as a junior in the course to Michelle =D.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just a beautiful song i found on youtube.Enjoy. *u can ignore the slideshow*

Susuman <3

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Results are out and it seems like I've not done enough. Is it me or I made terrible mistakes? My frens doesn't even believe the results I got. Stress is building up in me. Stress is coming from every which way possible. From my parents and relatives and to the decision of choosing the right choice of University to begin my new life and to the particular course which I need to enrol in.

I cant bear this stress any longer. I have no one to talk to. I have no where to go. I have no support from anyone in my family. All I have is myself. All alone in the dark. Trying all my effort to free myself from this life and the only option is to begin a new life. Life isn't all that great when you don't have your own family to support you. Every decisions you make or have made will be judged greatly. Criticism keep on coming. Can't even have a peaceful morning without waking up into an arguement which later on ended up in a terrible fight which leads to an unrepairable fight.

These are the things going on in my life currently since Monday. History keep repeats itself day after day.I wonder how long i can stand the stress.My head seems to be feeling slighlty heavier as each second passes by.I might be well over this life when it finally ends.Hoping my frens will be there when the day comes.I will never forget the great times I had with my frens. Life is short.Unexpected things usually happen.All we can do is just pray and hope for the best.

Susuman <3

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I finally found this mv on New Divide. Enjoy ^^

Susuman <3


Well, its that time of the year again. Yup you guessed it, results will be released tml. Hoping for the best as always and wish that history never repeat itself. I wonder whether I will check my results in the morning or just wait till the very last minute of the day. Hope that I can meet the requirements neede to enrol in Nottingham University buy nevertheless, still hope for better than the requirements. Tonight will be the longest night ever for me to go through. I don't think I would be able to sleep soundly tonight or even rest my eyes for 5mins withouth thinking about the results i would get.

Wish all my buddies and friends that took A-levels with me the best of luck and for the best results tml. Good Luck guys!!

Susuman <3

Monday, August 3, 2009


Went for a one day trip to Genting on 01/08/09 with all my buddies.I think i finally conquered my fear of heights, and yes, I'm afraid of heights.Have loads of fun there. Haven had such a fun time in my life before.No need to think about anything,stress free (except for the part that I'm forced to try height-related game, well not exactly forced haha).Update more when I received the pics from Ms.Low and Mr.Long.Or u can head on to for updated pics from Ms.Low's blog.

A2 results are coming soon.7days and counting.No words can describe my feelings now. A bit of happy, scared, nervous all mixed up at the same time. Of well, hope for the best.

Susuman <3