Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sweet Memories

This post was inspired by Wendy's post

Last minute studying b4 SPM

The dota players

Hand art by our class most famous artist

The girl next to me

Mr.Cutie Meng

Time of joy together

Life is bored at sien-to-sei(sentosa)

Sunday, July 27, 2008


This post marks the 40th post for susuballman.bs.com :)

So slow one ar susu.

FYI : Its SeeWai here.

The 40th post with new header and layout.
If you dont like it, take it off lor. But for sure i'll be very angry and wont be buying milk supplied by you!! Beside, I'll ask everyone boycott your milk.

Im updating your blog but mine still left untouch. You owe me one susu.

milky susu

End of wat is thought as a good beginning

Recently i said tat my bro has started working as an apprentice at Mercedes Benz.Everyone including my family and i thought tat my bro would have a bright future.On the other hand,it was hell.During the 2nd week there.my bro came home and told us tat all the seniors there persuade all of them go quit before they sign the contract with Mercedes.My bro said tat all the trainers there treat them like slaves.One of the trainers even said "all of u better find a place tat opens after 12am cos im going to let u all go home at 12am and u can only eat at tat time".My bro asked the seniors is tat true and they said it it.The seniors said tat the trainers haven treat them badly yet is cos they haven sign the contract with them.After they have signed the contract then the torture begins.Even though my bro haven sign the contract,the trainers asked all of them to wash the toilet using toothbrushes.My bro came home and said "we go there to learn how to fix a car,wats the point of washing the toilet gonna help us?".Besides tat one of the trainer even said "i can ask u to do watever i wish because we are PAYING u to study here".What does he suppose to mean?In my opinion,its bullshit.Its not the trainers who are paying my bro and the others,its the company,so y the hell they treating them as it is.My bro decided to quit as he have had enough of it.All of u out there dun think tat Mercedes is a good place.ITS HELL.Pass this message around to those u know will be going there to study in the near future.If u dun trust me u can ask ur loved one to go there to be tortured.

Recently i got bak my first paper of general paper test.I got 33/50 for it.I dunno whether this marks is good or wat cos my marks is considered almost the highest in class.My college frens asked me to go watch a movie last thursday but i rejected them because the time wasnt convenient for me.Keith and the gang asked me to watch a movie on friday but i wasnt in a mood for it.First reason is because i have extra class on saturday and the 2nd reason is cos there is just so lil ppl going there.For me there is no point going there cos is bored with just so lil ppl there.

Susuman <3

Monday, July 21, 2008

Gone with the wind

Chemistry test was a disaster.Failed it like a piece of s***.Further maths wasnt tat good either.My whole further maths paper was full of careless mistakes all over.Life isnt tat great for me nowadays.Tired by studying n getting bored of my life.Classes are never more fun as it used to be.Replacement classes are being held almost every week due to insufficient time to finish up the syllabus.Might be having a 4hour non-stop class this saturday starting at 8am.I cant imagine waking up a 6am on a saturday morning just to drive to college for classes.The worst part is,3 hours of my class is PURE physics.The remaining 1 hour is for further maths applied class.Dun think of going to the extra classes held,but i flipped a count during physics practical today and even god wants me to attend the class.I feel so left out in my class recently.I think is cos im so damn freaking useless and stupid tat all my frens are starting to stay away from me.Well u cant blame my frens for doing tat cos all of them are soooooooooooo darn smart unlike me.My brain isnt functioning as it is supposed to be.Maybe im being too sensitive.But i just feel left out.Moods isnt tat good either.Parents at home arent treating me any better than they used to be.Still gets loads n loads of stress n pressure from them asking me go study hard and not lose my scholarship.This isnt doing any good to me cos im the kind of person tat cant study under pressure.

Mid course is just right around the corner.Time to study for me is like crazy.The reason i say this because i dun actually really study much at home.Im not like any other ppl who can sit in the room and study for hours.The most tat i can do is just sit in my room to study for about 1 and a half hours.Tat amount of time isnt sufficient for me.Wat can i do?This is me.I cant change the way i am.I've tried pushing myself to study but the things tat i study just wont enter my mind.

Susuman <3

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Torture Begins

Test starts for this whole week.Ytd was physics test.This time,i think my physics lecturer purposely set the question more easy just so tat we can pass it(thx sir).It was mainly objective question with 2 other subjective question.Although i said it was an easy paper,i still think i failed it cos the main reason is,i dun actually like physics tat mush so everything tat i studied the night before din really enter my brain.My brain wasnt totally empty though as i remember some basic formula for electricity tat we already studied b4 in form 5.Around 3pm during physics practical.it started raining heavily.Since my class ends at 3.30 ytd.I was praying tat the rain would stop at 3.30 so i wont have to be drench in the rain just to reach my car.Amazingly,the rain did stop at 3.30 and i was so thankful.Reached home around 4.15pm.Online a while n chatted with wendy a while.Heard a good news from her.She told me tat mun kiat and jia meng finally talked to each other.Well i dunno how both of them got back together but wat i know is mun kiat started the peace offering by sms-ing jia meng for peace.

Today test was Maths Pure.Studied like mad last night.I hope tat i could pass this maths with excellent results.There were 5 questions and each question carried 10marks.Total the paper would make half of my total maths paper(pure with applieds).I din quite do well for the first question as i was lost.The second question was ok.Third question was a disaster.I remember the formula for Harmonic equation(trigonometry).But wat i dun realize is tat the third question can be calculater using the harmonic formula.So i lost 10 marks just like tat.Fourth question was so so,can be considered as average on answering it.The fifth question is the heart breaker question.I know how to do the question perfectly.But the problem with me is tat i expand the equation wrongly cos i was too panic as time wasnt sufficient enough for me(cos im dumb).Hope tat i can pass my maths with the help of applied maths.Tml is the torture of all.Further maths pure.Im going to study like mad later on n hopefully i well get a nice result.Pray for me guys as i hope the questions will be easy ^^.

Susuman <3

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ytd started out with a bad day.First of all,it was my GP test.We were given 2 questions and we were supposed to choose and answer 1 question(essay) with more than 500 words.Well its bad cos i dun even understand the question.First question was "Studying a little on every subject or study a lot on a single subject.Comment." Well for me,i was blur once i saw this question so i decided so move on to the 2nd question "Education is the preparation of a job,what others value for education?". Frankly,i dun even understand both the questions @@.So ended up im sticking with the 2nd question cos tat's the only question tat i could really crap a lot on =D.After tat,everything got worst.Straightly after my GP test was my Chemistry test.Perhaps u've been guessing well i think u guessed it right.The question paper was TERRIBLE. Even the smartest guy from my class found it hard to do the question without having any difficulties.Well first of all,the paper was meant to be 1hour n 45mins.But then our test started 15mins late.The worst part is,our F****ING lecturer only gave us 45mins to answer a paper tat requires an hour n 45mins.Its either she's dumb tat she cant count or she purposely wanted the whole 4 classes to flunk the test.

Well after all tat,keith n the gang skip their 1pm class and we went to mv together(my class ended at 12 cos classes were canceled).On the way yt called and asked whether she could put her bag in my car so i agreed.When we finally arrived at mv(around 1.45 or so) all of us started calling cy and the others who were there to meet us up.Cy had her phone on silent mode so she had tones n tones of misscalls.We were actually gonna catch a movie together but cy n the gang din wanna watch so ended up only the 6 of us watch "Wanted".My comment on the movie is, its better for u guys not to watch it cos its all plain graphics.The only thing i like bout the movie is the car at the starting of the movie and the graphics on the bullet.Later after the movie caught up with the others.Went for pool as cy n lq wanted to try it out.Started of with keith meng kf n mk playing.Later only yt n lq were the only girls playing cos cy n wendy had to buy presents go chia jin.Yt won the pool game against lq.It was actually her beginners luck cos lq entered the black ball together with the cue ball which cost her to lose the game.Went home at around 6.20.While on old klang road keith n i raced for a while where i speed over the red light(Note:im still a P driver =x)Could have won the race bout since i was sending yt home to oug we have to wait for another traffic light ended up keith passing me T.T.Reached home at around 7.35.There are some other stuffs tat i din mention cos im too lazy typing it out.Well tats all for now.Chous~

Susuman <3

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sad n sorrow

Im not in a mood since monday.The main reason for this is i failed my f***ing physics test.I failed with a very very very bad score(14/50) tat makes it 28 out of 100.Another reason for me being in a bad mood is tat my physics lecturer has decided to give us another test next monday.With all this studying i dun think i can even do any better compared to the first test.Well first of all,i'll be having my Chemistry test this fri and it includes my WHOLE AS syllabus and trust me,its a lot to study for.So u guys might be wondering its this friday ma,physics test next week no worries.But it gets worst.Guess wat,im having my Maths and Futher Maths (total of 4 papers) and it needs a lot of studing too cos the exam is also based on the whole AS syllabus.So try imagine tat.Im really stressed up.Giving up hope n giving up on studies.

Another thing happened today.Since i gave up hope on studying,i played my frens PSP in class today during physics tutorial class.Guess wat happened,i dunno whether im unlucky or wat,my lecturer passes me without me even noticing it.Well u guessed it,get a hell of scolding.Im seriously giving up on on life n hope on everything.Its really difficult studying A levels.Really regretted tat i studied it.I should have been like everyone else and take up a diploma course instead of wasting my freaking time here trying my luck.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Good News

The good news is tat my bro started as Mercedes Benz trainee apprentice ytd.This accomplishment of his made my parents really proud of him.All of us never expected tat he would make it this far.Well,all the best to my bro ^^.

Today started out as the worst day of my life in college.I woke up this morning as usual at 6am.Nothing was wrong with me though.So i prepared myself as usual.When i was on the way to college,i felt a bit dizzy so i tot im just a lil tired.When i reached the coffee shop i ordered a "cham" to drink cos it contain coffee n i tot i wouldn't feel the dizziness after drinking it.Well ended up i felt worst.During my first class i can feel tat i was half dead.Guess wat...i went home after the first class...wasted my whole morning waking up and ended up at home after all.

Plans for tml with my college mates arent sure yet.I might not follow them to klcc cos i dun have the mood =D.

Uploaded a new song at my blog.Listen to it if u guys have the time ^^..

Susuman <3