Thursday, January 31, 2008

well nothing much happen recently...missed my driving exam cos i have chemistry exam at college on the same day...the puppies at my college were all gone...wonder where they all went...started bak playing ogame since jia meng n keith started it again...tried to get a post in the student welfare committee but failed..well i think tats a good sign since the 3rd chapter for further maths was hard...having hard times coping up with my studies....exams are near n i wont have time to enjoy my cny holiday...Ns frens are coming bak on the 5th of feb n its also chi kits bday...wonder whether we have time to celebrate together or make a class gathering since we havent seen each other in ages...will update soon...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My recent hairsytle.

Well nothing much occurred this week.I just found out tat a fren i made was actually born at the year 1992,tat means he is form 4 this year BUT he is studying for A levels(omg make me look so old n stupid).U might think tat he's too young for it but trust me...his maths is way better than all of us.Did my chemistry practical this monday n it was quite fun as i never had a chance to do anything at sch.The lab coat tat we bought was expensive which cost RM30 n for the safety goggles it cost RM10.I look weird in the lab coat though(will upload picture of it soon) coz its like oversize since there isnt any size tat fits exactly.Exam is coming nearer n im still not in the mood to study for my exam(who is anyway?) since most of u guys are still day dreaming at home n shopping all the while.Well..will update soon..

Monday, January 21, 2008

2 out of 10 puppies from my college

Well nothing much happen recently.Just tat i miss sec sch life more n more everyday.The dogs at my college gave birth to 10 cute puppies but 8 were taken away by students.Had my hair cut.Currently i have lots n lots of homework but im not in the mood of doing them.Im also no in the mood for CNY coz i'll be having my exam after CNY(pity me cant get ang paus).Getting more tired each day as i have to wake up early in the morning i stay bak late at college.I'll update soon.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

not in mood

im sry for no updating my recently not in a blogger's mood..maybe i'll try n update it tml..

Saturday, January 12, 2008's game

Use the first letter of your name to answer each question. Must be places, names…Nothing made up. Can’t use own name for boy/girl’s name question. If can’t answer, skip to next one.

1. Famous Singer: kingston sean (can ar?)
2. Four Letter Word: kite
3. Street: no idea
4. Colour: dunno lolx..
5. Gifts/Present:key chain
6. Vehicle: no idea
7. Things in Souvenir Shop:kite
8. Boy Name: keith(=D)
9. Girl Name: keshia (i think its the correct spelling)
10. Movie title: i dunno
11. Drink:kilkenny(a type of beer ^^)
12. idea
13. Celebrity: kiera knightly
14. Magazine: no comment
15. U.S. City: kansas
16. Pro Sports: kick-boxing
17. Fruit: kiwi
18. Reason for Being Late to work:knocked down by a car n went to hospital
19. Something you throw away: kites tat are broken
20. Something you shout: kraaaaaaappppppppp

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lets see..i bought a chemistry book today tat cost RM92 n it has 629 pages n its thicker n longer than an ordinary dictionary.The book is freaking heavy....n i almost died while carrying it around the college.Well made another few frens today.I learnt maths today n i learn something new...frequency density while trying to draw a histogram.N we were told tat all the things we learnt during form 5 can be thrown away.N...our chemistry tutorial teacher's name is Mr.Loh(omg..i wonder whether is he like our form 4 Mr.Loh).We have to buy lab coats n goggles or else we are not allowed to enter the chemistry n physics lab.Well i'll update more soon...just reach home at 8pm..tired n i have physics work to do.

Monday, January 7, 2008

1st day of studies

Well lets see..ever heard of quatic equation?? example ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e=0.Have to find roots with tat equation using alpha,beta,gamma n delta.Learn a new formula today...P(X=x)= (e^lambda X lambda ^x)/x!. I tried canteen food today n it really sux...i tried the mix rice which cost RM1.60 with rice n 3 dishes.It tastes sooooooooooooo bad.Made a couple of new frens today n i as i was eating at canteen i saw Vivian(the pretty senior i mention earlier) directly opposite of me 3 tables in front.Well i like my further maths teacher n unfortunately my chemistry n physics lessons were canceled as the lab wasn't renovated finish yet.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


Life at college is boring.....i cant get food at there coz the population of students is approx 30,000 student(wao....).S0...i've been surviving on bread for the past 2 days(breakfast,lunch, n in between breaks).The bread sold at college S***S,but..its cheap(wats the point anyway rite if its cheap but taste bad).

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Its been a week since they all went for national service n im starting to miss all of them especially tat some one.Been thinking n dreaming of her everyday n night n i cant seem to forget her.Anyone know how to help me?I really cant have a good nite sleep at night.

Friday, January 4, 2008

2nd day of life at college

Tat's me taken from my bro's car while coming bak home from college. i made a new fren named Levin.He's from Ipoh n currently staying at the college hostel.I didn't meet with my senior today n was disappointed(sobs).We were given briefing on the subject we are going to study next week n i was shocked.Our maths i am studying are advancement of the additional mathematics we study in form 5 AND the further maths in studying is the advancement of the maths im studying now(im so dead T.T).All this calculation is going to kill me.Besides tat, we need to study General Paper.We are required to write 2 essays during the exams about 500 to 600 words without using the words I,We,Us n You (i wonder how are we going to write it@@) based on given titles on world events.Moreover,chemistry lessons are like crazy even though we haven't started studying but listening to the introduction to the chapters i was so blur.Well i think tat all about it now n im starting my real studies next monday.By the way,i am studying 5 subjects n i have about 21 papers to take during my finals(brain torture).I'll update soon.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

1st day of college life

I started my first day of college today.Woke up at 6am in the morning n set of to college at 7am.Was lonely there coz there wasn't any sentosarians studying there.Looking forward to meet some pretty girls but was disappointed deeply.There wasn't any pretty girls there at all ><. Well later at about 10.50am we were taken on a field trip around the college.I was lucky coz my senior tour guide was soooooooooooooooo pretty n she has a perfect body shape.She look familiar to me but i wasn't sure whether i have meet her b4.Walked around the college for almost 3 n a half hours but still we hadn't finished walking around the whole college(so huge sia ><).Had my lunch at around 1.20pm n went back to college to wait for my bro.Sad to say tat my tour guide was a senior n wouldn't be in the same class as me,or else im sure to take her number =P.Have to wake up at 6am tomorrow again(tired) n i hope to see my tour guide again (hopefully this time i can get her hp no. or e-mail).Well i'll update more later on.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

My new hairstyle tat i put on while celebrating new year's eve at Sunway Pyramid with my family.I only managed to bought 1 shirt from Nic coz i was not in the mood of shopping.Well i didn't really enjoyed tat day coz im starting my college life soon n i dun wanna think about it.Well i think tats it for now cos im not in the mood for blogging.Wait for my next update.