Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I hand up my loan application today and finally it has been approved!

Can lift some burden of on the study income. Chem quiz ytd was kinda hard though and im stressed up on my structural biochem assignment and also my moral assignment and studies.

I hate my moral studies lecturer cos i find that her teaching method is not good. Never give examples and leave the lecture hanging half-way and ask us to figure it out ourselves.

Exams are coming up and its time to study hard! =)


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Have not been feeling well for the past few days. Sore throat for the last 4days and its getting worst now as i have flu. My leaking nose is so irritating that i can hardly concentrate in class and as im blogging now i keep sneezing my lungs out.

UniChem2 quiz later in the evening. I forgot the time, its either at 6pm or 6.30pm. Well anyway will give it my best and hope for a full score xD.

A-level results were released yesterday. Congrats to those of my frens who got the result they wanted. For those who din do so well, cheer up! It has already been done and there's no point feeling bad or sad about it. Just work doubly hard once u make it to Uni and make a promise to urself that u'll do better in life. =).


Sunday, January 24, 2010


Went out with the guys last night to catch a movie at MidValley.
First time sitting on a car driven by Kenneth Kuan. His driving skills wasnt bad but at least he's safer compared to KengFai.

We watched the Tooth Fairy at 12am. The movie was awesomely hilarious. Recommended to those who wants a laugh to relax.

Tooth Fairies are real and u better believe in them ;).


Friday, January 22, 2010


Sorry for not blogging for some time. Since my new semester started i've been really busy with my studies. Assignments are piling up and my quiz and test are coming up next week.

Started the new semester in quite a bad start. I was used to park my car outside of the campus as if i were to park in my campus it would cost me RM2 per entry. Considering that i have class from monday till friday, it is quite costly to do so. Ended up getting a ticket / "saman" for illegal parking which cost me RM100. Due to tat incident i now park my car in the campus.

Been making some new friends for the start of the semester. Feels kinda weird as i am the only one not having much frens. Hope to make more frens in the coming week.

Susuman <3

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Blog makeover/face lift for the new year =].

Feeling new,

Susuman <3

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sorry for the lack of update recently. Been busy since the start of my new semester.

Studies aren't gonna be easy for this sem. 5 subs to study and exam on week5.

Susuman <3